Kickstart New Packaging for Intrigue Chocolates

Truffles by Intrigue Chocolate Company
I don't talk about this concept very often, however, I think about every day.
 If we want a business to be here tomorrow, we need to support it today.

I absolutely love the concept behind Kickstarter. 

I peruse the pages like a kid reading a comic book as I look for the story behind each project, especially the projects involving food and chocolate.  I love a good story.

Finally, somebody that I know personally has posted their story on Kickstarter! 

I can't remember how I met Karl and Aaron of Intrigue Chocolate Company.  I've known them and watched their business grow for at least a couple of years now.  They are almost always smiling, laughing, and constantly inviting everyone to taste their newest truffle flavor or taste their flavored hot cocoa.

Aaron Barthel
I would like to thank them for their sense of adventure and patience.  Aaron helped me make one of my first videos featuring the difference between sipping chocolate and hot cocoa.  A few months later he agreed to help make a video of my cocktail recipe using their truffles. 

When it comes to video I'm not a professional by any standard and they still put up with me, my clumsy camera skills, and tangled cords.  Thank you Aaron and Karl!!

I want Intrigue Chocolate to be here tomorrow.  I seriously want some of their spicy Jamaican Hot Cocoa today, right now, really.  The Raspberry Hot Cocoa would work to satisfy my craving too, I just happen to be out of both of those flavors.  Guess I'll have to eat a truffle.

Get to know Karl and Aaron, check out their campaign video.

P.S.  In a few weeks I'm going to visit Intrigue Chocolate to see their newly remodeled space in Seattle.  Want to join me?  Let me know, I'll keep you posted on dates and times.

Kickstarter campaign here.

Intrigue Chocolate Co site here.


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