How to Eat a Ganache Filled Fig
How to Eat a Ganache Filled Fig
This is important.
A ganache filled fig is just about one of the most decadent (but not overly sweet) confections that I you'll ever try.
There are just a couple of things that you need to watch for if you are not experienced with chocolate filled figs.
First, take note of the stem...
Do not pop the whole thing in your mouth at once. Instead, firmly hold the little woody end of the fig and bite the rest of the fig off. You can do it in one big bite, just don't become overly exited and eat the woody end. Take your time and savor the experience.
Second, watch for falling chocolate...
If you prefer what you think might be the dainty two bite method of eating the chocolate filled AND chocolate covered fig, be sure to cup your non fig holding hand under the fig while you bite to catch the bits of chocolate that fall as the chocolate exterior cracks. The exterior doesn't always crack and fall off however the potential is there. You don't want to lose one bit of dark, decadent chocolate.
Chocolopolis says about their figs..."Each black mission fig is stuffed with ganache that's been infused with a hint of anise. Then the entire stuffed fig is dipped in Valrhona dark chocolate. These decadent, creamy and rich creations will impress your taste buds."
I have to agree. Not too sweet, not too spiced, smooth ganache texture, slightly chewy fig, all covered in chocolate. It is close to perfection.
When put in a box together they look incredibly interesting and exotic making them a perfect gift for just about any occasion, celebration, or even an interesting conversation piece for your next gathering.
Find these at Chocolopolis either online or in person in their charming shop in Seattle.
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