Can you find the Tabasco flavor in the Zotter Labooko Chocolate Bar?

The layers of flavors that can be found in fine chocolate is absolutely amazing.  In Zotter bar I found Tobasco flavor, with a little help from Emily.

Finding the flavors in fine chocolate can be such fun!


  1. It's a great bar, isn't it! Such fruity-peppery, savoury-sweet flavour is rather unusual indeed... I always find it such an eye-opener when somebody can supply you with a flavour label you couldn't come up with yourself: you know it's there -you can taste it-, but how do you describe it, that's the question. Depends of course on how experienced a taster you are: can you detect Tobasco if you've never tasted Tobasco? If not, how would this bar be described? Maybe as "fruity-peppery, savoury-sweet" :-) Greetings, Esther, The Netherlands


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